For those who use some other character map other than standart US ASCII, there sometimes happen some files, who has some nasty characters in its name, which appears in your Windows Explorer but when you try to delete it, it says system cannot find the file. In order to delete -or rename, whichever you like- that nasty file, you can use any ftp client with a visual GUI, like WS-FTP or so. In the ftp client's browser window, go to the folder containing that file and edit/delete it in there.
Most of you must be aware about a tool called notepad. It is a simple text based editor. But today I am going to discuss some cool tricks which you can perform on your computer using notepad. You can also use these tricks to scare your friends. 1.Cycle a message in your friend’s computer. Type : @ECHO off :Begin msg * Hi msg * Are you having fun? msg * I am! msg * Lets have fun together! msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d GOTO BEGIN Save it and... as pc.bat and send it to your friends. 2.Make Keyboard Keys Type Continuously: Type : MsgBox “stop me..! if you can” Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) do wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys “{bs}” loop Save it as pc.vbs and send it to your friends. 3.Convey your friend a message and shut down his/ her computer. Type : @echo off msg * I don’t like you shutdown -c “Hahahah You are Doomed” -s Save it as pc.bat and send it to your friends. 4.Toggle your friend’s Caps Lock button simultaneously Type : Set wshShell =wscri...
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