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How To Get A Free I-pod

First Off - Need To Know Facts
First off, I have to say that NO! This is not a scam of any type. The company offering this deal (Gratis Internet) is registered with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and has been for quite some time. Gratis is also affiliated with big-name companies such as AOL, General Motors, Ebay, Columbia House, and many others. These companies would never affiate them selves with a fraudulent web site/company. Aside from all this, there is proof that this works. Many people have received their ipods already and many more will. I wrote this document to help spread the word to you and ofcouse to help my self get an iPod.

How it works..
The way FreeiPods work is actually very simple. You sign up at their site, then you get others to signup and complete a offer (usually free). An offer can be anything from buying something on a web site to signing up for a free trial for a ISP. When this happens FreeiPods makes money from the offer you sign up from (even if you didn't spend a dime). With this money they make, they are able to offer FREE iPods, Simple huh?

To get a free ipod, you must sign up at their site, then complete 1 (One) offer. After that, you have to get 5 (Five) people do the same thing, and since it usually doesn't cost anything to complete an offer, a friend should be more then willing to help you out. After you have completed 1 (One) offer and gotten 5 (Five) people to signup and complete a offer, you will be sent the ipod of you choice.

The steps to follow..

Step #1 (Signup)
The first step is to go to the web site and signup. You will be asked witch ipod you would like and for an e-mail address and to create a password on the first screen. Then you will be asked for your shipping info so they know where to send the ipod. The address to go to to signup is: How To Get A FREE iPod!

First Off - Need To Know Facts
First off, I have to say that NO! This is not a scam of any type. The company offering this deal (Gratis Internet) is registered with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and has been for quite some time. Gratis is also affiliated with big-name companies such as AOL, General Motors, Ebay, Columbia House, and many others. These companies would never affiate them selves with a fraudulent web site/company. Aside from all this, there is proof that this works. Many people have received their ipods already and many more will. I wrote this document to help spread the word to you and ofcouse to help my self get an iPod.

How it works..
The way FreeiPods work is actually very simple. You sign up at their site, then you get others to signup and complete a offer (usually free). An offer can be anything from buying something on a web site to signing up for a free trial for a ISP. When this happens FreeiPods makes money from the offer you sign up from (even if you didn't spend a dime). With this money they make, they are able to offer FREE iPods, Simple huh?

To get a free ipod, you must sign up at their site, then complete 1 (One) offer. After that, you have to get 5 (Five) people do the same thing, and since it usually doesn't cost anything to complete an offer, a friend should be more then willing to help you out. After you have completed 1 (One) offer and gotten 5 (Five) people to signup and complete a offer, you will be sent the ipod of you choice.

The steps to follow..

Step #1 (Signup)
The first step is to go to the web site and signup. You will be asked witch ipod you would like and for an e-mail address and to create a password on the first screen. Then you will be asked for your shipping info so they know where to send the ipod. The address to go to to signup is:

Step #2 (Referrals)
The second step is a little more tricky. This is the part where you have to get people to signup for ipods using you referral link. There are many ways to do this, ask some friends to do it, send out e-mails, post on forums, get on some conga lines, write a how-to like i did, I'm sure you will think of away to do it.

Step #3 (Offers)
An offer is when you signup for one of freeipod's affiliates, there are quite a few to choose from. This part is what stops most people from completing their freeipod offer. The reason being is that it sounds to good to be true, for example, you can signup for a completely free trial of AOL and get an ipod in return.. At first i didn't think this was legit, but after talking to a few people who have done it and had proof that it actually worked for them, i decided to give it a try and it worked.
I used the AOL offer, you actually don't need a credit card (however i did use one). If you signup and hit cancel when it asks for your credit card info, it should still work and give you credit, many people i know have tried this and it has worked. If you DO you a credit card, all you have to do is call AOL and cancel the trial after your offer has been approved by freeipods. This usually takes a day or so.

Step #4 (Wait)
Wait for freeipods to e-mail you, they will give you instructions on what to do from there.. It will just have you follow a link and then fill out your shipping info and then it will ship.

Step #2 (Referrals)
The second step is a little more tricky. This is the part where you have to get people to signup for ipods using you referral link. There are many ways to do this, ask some friends to do it, send out e-mails, post on forums, get on some conga lines, write a how-to like i did, I'm sure you will think of away to do it.

Step #3 (Offers)
An offer is when you signup for one of freeipod's affiliates, there are quite a few to choose from. This part is what stops most people from completing their freeipod offer. The reason being is that it sounds to good to be true, for example, you can signup for a completely free trial of AOL and get an ipod in return.. At first i didn't think this was legit, but after talking to a few people who have done it and had proof that it actually worked for them, i decided to give it a try and it worked.
I used the AOL offer, you actually don't need a credit card (however i did use one). If you signup and hit cancel when it asks for your credit card info, it should still work and give you credit, many people i know have tried this and it has worked. If you DO you a credit card, all you have to do is call AOL and cancel the trial after your offer has been approved by freeipods. This usually takes a day or so.

Step #4 (Wait)
Wait for freeipods to e-mail you, they will give you instructions on what to do from there.. It will just have you follow a link and then fill out your shipping info and then it will ship.


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