Automated downloads from RapidShare, Megaupload and more. The best way to handle your downloads and increase download speeds.
Rapidshare is still widely used online file sharing web service as compared to other file sharing websites. In the past i had told you How to download from rapidshare with no limits and some of the best ways to Search Files on Rapidshare. Here i'll write how to download from rapidshare directly and for free. One of the biggest disadvantage of using rapidshare is you need to wait for 30 sec before proceeding for downloading file and there is limit on number files you can download per day. You have to agree that manually downloading from RapidShare as a free user is a pain. However you can use rapidshare download manager to get rid of such limitations and automate the file downloading form rapidshare. Using download manager you can simply add as many download links to it which will all be stored and processed one after the other. You will still need to wait all those timeouts and countdowns, but you won't have to sit in front of your computer to do that. Here i want to show you 10 Best Free Download Managers that will done the work for you.

Top 10 Free Rapidshare Download Manager Software List:1. JDownloader Rapidshare downloader

2. FlashGet

FlashGet can split downloaded files into sections, downloading each section simultaneously, for an increase in downloading speed from 100% to 500%. This, coupled with FlashGet's powerful and easy-to-use management features, helps you take control of your downloads like never before. It uses MHT(Multi-server Hyper-threading Transportation) technique, supports various protocols and has excellent document management features. FlashGet is a freeware without any adware or spyware.
3. Orbit Downloader

Orbit Downloader, is a download manager specifically designed for the new generation Web (Web 2.0). You can use Orbit to download video/music/files from Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora, and Rapidshare, or on any site to make general downloading easier and faster. Fast, easy to use and very lightweight, Orbit Downloader is a competitive alternative to any browser-integrated download manager.
4. RapGet Download manager

5. CryptLoad Manager

6. Rapidshare Auto Downloader

A freeware rapidshare downloader with proxy support allowing you to download files from Rapidshare automatically. Load the url and wait for them to download, you can also scan the files to check if it is free from virus and auto shut down after the download is complete.
Here are some key features of "Rapidshare Auto Downloader:
· Download a group of links from rapidshare (one by one).
· Download incomplete downloads until all links are downloaded.
· Autoshutdown feature
· Load and save the download list.
7. Free Download Manager

8. Rapidshare Plus

Rapidshare Plus does not cheat on rapidshare, as it does not bypass the timers, imposed on free users, for content downloads.Rather it makes life simpler for the free users, to manage multiple downloads from rapidshare automatically. It also lets you know the status of downloads, by way of a progress bar.
Features of Automatic Rapidshare File downloader Rapidshare plus:
* You can Add/Delete any number of Download File Links
* You can Add Proxy server setting
* Start or Stop Download Process (No Resume Option yet available)
* Displays file download progress and over progress bar
* Time Remaining and Time elapsed
* Current Download Speed
9. G Rap It RS downloader

10. Raptor download manager

Raptor is a download manager for Rapidshare, Letitbit, Deposit file hosting services. The program will automate your free user downloading, all you have to do is to simply enter all your links and click Start. Raptor will do the rest for you able todownload files.
SkipScreen (Firefox add-on)

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