*#06# IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
*#92702689# Life timer (W A R 0 A N T Y) - The amount of time your phone has spent sending and receiving calls.
*#0000# Firmware version and date, Phone Model and Operator Variant
*#7370# Format phone (R E S 0 ?)
*#7780# Factory Reset (R S T 0 ?)
*#62209526# Wireless MAC Address (M A C _ W L A N)
*#2820# Bluetooth MAC address (B T A 0?)
#*9045029** -> God mode.
###86868**## -> Unlimited ammo.
N95 picture viewer:
2 – Scroll up (when zoomed)
4 – Scroll left (when zoomed)
5 – Zoom in (12.5%/25%/50%)
6 – Scroll right (when zoomed)
8 – Scroll down (when zoomed)
0 – Zoom out
Press and hold (in Standby):
Right selection key: Voice commands
Multimedia Key: Now Playing
1: Voicemail
2-9: shortcuts to address book you need to set up first
0: Web
#: Switches between General and Silent modes - not supported by all Operator Variants (when composing messages will switch between character and number input when held down)
12# (etc) in standby will dial the number held in location 12 on your SIM address book
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